Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Fun...Bones in the Desert!!

    We are a family of desert rats by nature, and spend a vast amount of time following unknown dirt roads and exploring the wilderness (haha) of Nevada.  On one such recent occasion, we rediscovered an area that is filled with mounds of buried animal bones (Alex says they are horse bones). We have been to this location a few times, and actually stumbled on it the first time when we went out to see the old Grey Hound track.  I'm not sure why they are here, but I am sure my children are fascinated with them, and with any other random weirdness we come across in our desert travels.

Summer Fun...We LOVE the museum!!

    I am a bit late in writing this blog, and so the activity I am writing about occurred about 2 weeks ago on a very rainy day.
    We are museum lovers in this family, and the Churchill County Museum is wonderful, and free.  So, we loaded up in the rain and headed over to spend a couple of hours exploring things we remembered, and discovering what was new.  I have to admit, this trip was not entirely free, because we did buy some color changing cups and old fashioned candy in the gift shop, which we enjoyed to no end.  We explored the museum and the back building, and then spent some time in the children's discovery room, which is just phenomenal!!