Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dusting off the Old Blog

Facebook has that fancy "On This Day" business now, and several times it has offered up old blog posts of mine to give me warm feelys about the past.  I realized when the last one popped up that it had been 3 years since I last graced the internet with the musings and misadventures of my everyday life.  Not that I really believe the internet missed me, but I did remember how much I enjoyed sharing my insights and adventures with my family and friends.  So on a whim today I dusted off the old blog, and did a bit of freshening up.  Sort of like Spring Cleaning.  In July.  There's still a bit to be done, but I thought I'd throw this out there.  You know, like a heads up, or a warning, whichever way you choose to take it.  Maybe a little nudge to the rest of you that have neglected blogs floating about.  I do enjoy reading them.