We spent some time at the park on the base. If you haven't been there, and you can get there, you should go!! It's covered, and quiet, and wonderful! The kids really enjoyed it!
Amongst our many summer adventures, our longest trip was one to Bodie, CA. What a fantastic drive! We passed some beautiful scenery, and spent some time in an amazing standing tribute to history. On the drive home, we added two historical markers to our quest to view them all, AND earned our second Disney Family Fun Badge. Man, we are an up and coming family! Look out Jones', cause pretty soon it will be keeping up with the Thunders!!!
So now as Summer Vacation comes to a close, and another school year looms in front of us, I reflect back and think that my quest for family fun was a pretty successful one. At no point was it perfect, sometimes it was quite chaotic, but it was a damned good time, and a summer full of family memories we won't soon forget. And to a school year that brings me back to college, and gives me a 5th and 6th grader, I say, BRING IT ON!! LMAO
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