Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Month of Thanks, A Summary of Thanks

So, I pretty much fell off the Month of Thanks wagon there towards the end, but mostly it was because I was enjoying all of the things that I have to be thankful for.  If I have taken nothing else from this Month of Thanks business, I have at least come to the realization that I am one lucky girl.  I have a LOT to be thankful for.  Really.  I have a super handsome, amazing, loving husband whom I totally don't deserve but am so grateful for, 4 beautiful, healthy, happy kids to adore, a family that is so my rock in a storm, and a life to envy.  Even in the hard times. No, it's not perfect by any means, and I will be the first to admit that, but man is it good!  Maybe we should integrate a bit more thankfulness into our every day lives, even if just quietly and to ourselves.  Maybe instead of one running month a year of thankfulness, we should take one small moment every morning and be grateful for something in our lives.  I can only imagine how much more pleasant every day life would be if everyone took a moment to be thankful every day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 23

I know it's a bit early.  Though I'm not as early as some of my friends out there.  That's right, we decorated the Christmas tree tonight.  I know I said that I wasn't putting it up until after Thanksgiving, but technically, we celebrated Thanksgiving today, and that's good enough for me.  So what I'm thankful for today is sharing the joy of decorating our Christmas tree as a family.  It's so nice to spend the time hanging the ornaments and standing back to look the tree over.  I have suspicions that Leelah and Michael are getting to that age where they feel like they are too old to be doing these sorts of things, and so I am soaking it all up, and hoping that in all my small ways, I am teaching them that family comes first.  I know that today, I am thankful for mine.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 22

Today I am thankful that my fabulous hubby surprised me by coming home early and saving me a drive to and from Battle Mountain.  The end. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 21

I don't have many friends, really, and even fewer that I would call close friends.  But the ones I do have are pretty amazing, and I'd like to take today to be thankful for them.  I am thankful to have friends who have stuck it out with me even when life wasn't easy or fun.  I am thankful for friends who stand by me, even if I'm wrong.  I am thankful for friends who forgive me for my imperfections.  You are truly amazing people, and I am lucky to have you in my life.  It doesn't matter if we don't get to see each other every day, or that we don't talk nearly as often as we wish we did.  I know that we all have lives of our own, and I understand that it's easy to get caught up in them.  What really matters in the end is that we are always there for each other, in whatever ways we can be.  And that makes a huge difference sometimes.  So, to all my amazing friends out there, whether we talked today, or a week ago, or even a year ago, you know who you are, and that you are indispensable.  Thank you for you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 20

Today I am thankful for all the fun and silly things that I get to do with my amazing kids.  Last night, we had an impromptu Unbirthday-Fake-Mustache Party.  Yep, you read that right.  We wanted a birthday cake, and since it was no ones actual birthday, we decided to have a party of our own.  And it was just plain fantastic.

  Anthony chose this mustache because he said it looked like Luigi's.  LOL 
And oddly, Michael looks like Mario...

Leelah paired hers with a fabulous purple wig.

 Here is the cake we bought.  We stuck a giant Mr. Potato Head mustache on it, to go with the party theme.  It was much more attractive before Drake swan dived into it.  Thankfully, the plastic cover was still on it when he did.
My niece, Michelle, petting her mustache.

Drake had a runny nose, so his mustache is most definitely not re-usable, but he does look rather dashing.

Somehow, my mustache is two-toned.  Weird.  And I was doing my best mustache face, which I think is a phenomenal success.

My brother Bowie and his girlfriend Felisha attended our party as well, but I didn't get a very good picture of them.  Hmmm...

Nights like this leave me a lot to be thankful for.  They're filled with the sorts of things in life that simply cannot be replaced, like my kids' laughter, and the memories of how much fun we had.  I hope that there will be many more of these impromptu laughter inducing episodes to be thankful for in my lifetime, and that I pass on to my children the ability to enjoy life at a moments notice.  :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 19

Wow, this month is flying by!  Hard to believe it's already 19 days into my Month of Thanks, and only 5 days until the actual Day of Thanks.  And what sweet little revelations this daily thankfulness has brought to my life!  So that is what I'm thankful for today.  I am thankful for this Month of Thanks business, and for the interesting little enlightenment's thinking so hard about being thankful is bringing me.  I hope that thinking about being thankful is bringing all of you the same joy that it's bringing me, and I say try not to be thankful only during the Month of Thanks, but every day, for all the little things that really make a difference.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 17 and 18

So, I missed my first day so far in my Month of Thanks yesterday.  Not bad, 16 days in a row.  I was wiped out last night, and, well, I thought about my thanks, but just didn't get to putting it out there.  So, for yesterday, I am thankful for laughter.  It's amazing how just a little bit of laughter can change the course of your whole day.  It's true that laughter is the best medicine.  My favorite kinds of laughter are happy baby laughs (cuz let's face it, no one can produce an innocent happy laugh like a baby) and those deep-seeded belly laughs that make everything in the world seem like it's going to be okay.  We need more laughter in our day to day lives, and more reasons to laugh.  Now that would change the world!

Now, for today, I am thankful for Fridays.  I don't just mean the day-of-the-week Friday.  What I really mean is your work Friday, which could really be any day of the week.  For me, it does actually happen to be on the-day-of-the-week Friday.  I am thankful for Fridays because it seems like knowing that the weekend is so close can get you through just about anything.  And when it's been an especially long week, Friday is even sweeter.  Nothing makes you appreciate how hard you've been working as your Friday does.  This week was one of those long weeks, and at the end of the day today I let out a long sigh and thought "Man am I ever thankful for Fridays!" :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 16

It's nice to feel that all the things that I am thankful for don't have to be earth-shattering revelations or tear jerking insights.  It's absolutely fantastic that many of my thanks can be the simple little things that make my life that much more enjoyable.  Today is one of those kind of days.  You know the ones, where it's been a bit of a long day, and you're tired, and just want to relax?  Which brings me right to what I am thankful for today, which is hot tea.  It seems like such a simple little thing, but it really makes such a difference in my day.  There is nothing quite like enjoying a mug of hot tea in the quiet of my living room after my munchkins have gone to bed.  It relaxes me so nicely, and sets the tone for a good nights sleep.  Tonight, I had Honey Chamomile, and right now, I feel like all is right with the world.  :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 15

Today, I am thankful for books.  That's right folks, books.  What a weird thing to be thankful for, you say?  Well, yeah, maybe a little.  But those of you who know me pretty well know that I can loose myself in a book like no one else.  Really.  I LOVE to read, and I hope that I am instilling that love in my children as well.  There is no cheaper vacation in life than a good book.  Once a book draws me in, I am insatiable, and a good series just sets my world alight.  I also believe that a good book can change you, change the way you think or feel, and make you a different person.  It's amazing.  Truly. I've been thinking of making a list of the books I have read, and setting a lifetime goal.  I'm not really sure where to start number wise though, so probably the list first would be the best approach.  So, anyway, to all you authors out there and future authors as well, thanks a million from this avid literature fan.  :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 14

Today I am thankful for the capacity we, as people, have for forgiveness.  Not just for my own capacity to forgive, but also for others to forgive me.  I know that I have made mistakes.  I will be the first to admit that I'm nowhere near perfection, and I am thankful that I have people in my life that can see past my imperfections and forgive me for the unbecoming or hurtful things I have done.  I understand that some things hurt, or embarrass, and I can't tell you how amazed and thankful I am that people can forgive for that.  I am also grateful that I can forgive, that I can look at someone who has hurt me and reason out that they make mistakes too, and forgive them for their indiscretions.  How blessed are we all to have that ability in our hearts, and how thankful am I to be able to access it. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 13

Today I am thankful for the beautiful weather we enjoyed all day long.  Though I honestly enjoy the cold, it was nice to have a warm day to give my boys the chance to run off some extra energy outdoors.  And I was quite productive myself.  I helped my aunt hang Christmas lights at my grandparents' house.  They aren't turned on yet, but it was nice to hang them in warmth when we could feel our hands!  LOL  I also got to help hang my grandma's new bird feeder, and check out all the new and fun goodies at the dollar store.  Got my kitchen cleaned, floor mopped, laundry done.  Yep, definitely a great day.  And I am thankful. :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 12

Believe it or not, today I am actually thankful for the technology that we have in our lives.  Yes, I agree that some of it is a bit excessive, and unnecessary, but it does make life easier for the general population most of the time.  I am especially thankful for the technology that affects the medical field.  I am thankful for the technology that saves lives, diagnoses disease, and affords us all the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives.  Without many of the technological advances we enjoy today, we would not be enjoying the company of some of our family members or friends.  Also, without the magic of technology (LOL) it wouldn't be so easy to communicate with those friends and family that live farther away than we wish they did.  So, though I honestly admit that it is sometimes a glorious pain in the ass, today I am thankful for technology.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 11

I don't want to sound cliche or whatever, but I really am thankful for our Veterans today.  What amazing people to so selflessly offer to give their lives to afford us the freedoms we enjoy.  I have to say that I may not always agree with our government or president or some other political official, but I am always thankful to have the freedom to disagree.  I am thankful that my children were born in a place where they can choose their religion without persecution, and be the beautiful and unique people they are without fear.  Thank you to those who have and do serve our country.  We are forever in your debt.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 10

I have to admit, first off, that I am prety attached to my family, in case you haven't noticed.  And though we certainly have our differences, we are all very close.  On that note, today I am thankful for my Auntie.  Sometimes, she makes me totally nuts, but mostly she's one of my very best friends.  We have a lot in common, much more than just some blood relation.  LOL  She's one of the most giving people I know, and she will do anything for those she loves.  She has a fantastic sense of humor, and I love that Alex is always pranking her somehow.   She's always such a good sport about it, and that makes it even better.  We are constantly having fun little adventures together, and are always eachother's sounding board and grounding force.  I can't tell you how blessed I am to have her in my life.  Honestly, there is no way to do it justice here.  Today, Auntie, I am thankful for you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 9

Honestly, I have to say that I am fairly impressed with myself for having posted a thankful blog everyday for 9 days.  That's pretty good for me!  Anyway, on with the blogging!

Today, I am thankful for my grandparents.  They spent a great deal of my childhood and adolescent years instilling a sense of right and wrong in me.  They were proud of my achievements, punished me for my crimes, and loved me unconditionally.  In fact, they still do.  I'm not sure where I would be today without them, really.  They were an essential element in the molding of my young mind, and are still an extremely large part of my life today.  They are the reason I have manners, compassion and morals.  I owe them my love of 50's music, and classic country.  They truly are fantastic people, and thanks to them, I feel that I am a good person.  So today I say thanks, Jane Margaret and Oliver Gleason, for being the best grandparents a girl could ask for!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 8

I've lived a lot of life in my 29 years, and some days, I feel like I should be much older.  In reality I feel much younger.  Closer to 17 than anything, really.  I guess that could be a result of a lot of things that have happened in my life, but the fact of the matter is this: Today, I am thankful for me.  Now, I  don't want that to sound narcissistic, or selfish, because that is certainly not what I intend.  I am simply saying that I am thankful for all the things that have happened in my life, for all the choices that I have made, good and bad, that have brought me to who I am at this moment in time.  I am thankful for the things I have learned, even if that means I had to learn them the hard way.  I am thankful for the people who have come into and gone out of my life, forever changing some aspect of myself.  I know without a doubt that I'm not anywhere in the vicinity of perfection.  Hell, most of the time I have a hard time feeling comfortable in my own skin.  But I am thankful, every day to be me. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 7

Today I am thankful for the changing seasons.  Though Fall is my favorite, I enjoy them all in one way or another.  I am thankful that they change, so that I can have a favorite.  I love the new life of Spring.  The heat of Summer reminds me that I don't mind the cold.  Fall is beautiful with its vibrant colors and sweatshirt temperatures.  Winter sparkles in snow, and makes me thankful for Summer.  I guess that when it comes down to it, I am more of a cold weather person.  Funny, because I live in the desert.  But true.  So, today I say thanks for the changing of seasons, and the highlights of each one.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 6

Apple Pie.  Homemade Apple Pie.  Well, I guess technically it was Home-assembled Apple Pie, but it was great all the same.  Yes, we purchased the crust at Wal-Mart, and the filling at Safeway, but we put it together in our very own kitchen.  Now surely that counts for something, doesn't it?  Anyway, the Apple Pie isn't really the most important part of my Day of Thanks today, nor is the Vanilla Ice Cream that accompanied that warm Apple Pie.  Today I am thankful that I got to sit down at the kitchen table with my four beautiful budding children, and eat that warm Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream.  I guess, when I think about it, we could have been eating anything and I would be thankful.  I will admit, though, that warm Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream are a personal favorite of mine, and that having my phenomenal daughter help me assemble this tasty treat, and then sharing it at our kitchen table with all of my children at the same time send it over the top.  Drake smeared his on the table, and held the ice cream in his hand until it melted all over his pajamas, and Anthony ate only the ice cream.  Michael enjoyed his, then returned to the football game he had previously been watching.  Leelah cleaned up the leftovers.  And I sat at the table, quietly enjoying each of my unique children, and that moment of family.  So today, my friends, I am thankful for warm Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream shared at the beautiful kitchen table my uncle made in high school with my four impossibly amazing kids.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 5

Today, I am thankful for the youngest of my four amazing kidlets, Drake Joshua.  Named for two of the best men we know, Drake is such a sparkling little gem!  He is eternally happy, such a pleasant little soul.  He hasn't decided if he's left or right handed, and has recently started blaming his poopy pants on anyone and everyone available to try and talk me out of changing him.  LOL  He is always laughing about something, and loves his big sister "Lala" more than anyone on the planet.  I love that life is so new and exciting to him, and I just want to soak up every moment I can, because I know how short this time really is.  So for now, I will be thankful of his smallness, his honest love of life.  Today, I am thankful for my charming little Drake-asourus-rex.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 4

In keeping with my running theme of thankfulness, today I am thankful for Anthony Gleason.  He's the most amazing 4 year old I know, although he can't wait to be 5.  LOL  He loves to be outside more than anything, and wants to do everything his big brother Michael does.  His laughter is infectious, and he gives the best hugs.  I love that he is my lefty, and my only light-eyed baby.  I even love (sorta) that he will eat nothing but peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly) and pancakes.  Honestly, if he could, he would eat pancakes 3 times a day with peanut butter sandwiches for snack in between.  And some chocolate milk to wash it down.  So today I am thankful for my crazy, funny, 100% 4 year-old-boy, Anthony Gleason.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 3

Since I seem to be traveling right down the line, I may as well continue, right?  LOL

Today I am thankful for my Michael Brent.  He is the oldest boy of my trio, and amazes me in so many ways.  He eats, sleeps and breathes football, and is a Steelers fan to the core, even in a family of 49ers fans.  I love that Michael is just Michael.  He is stubborn to a fault and so much a smarty pants like his mama.   I love that he puts his all into what he loves.  He is handsome, and daring, and fantastic.  I love him more than even I can fathom.  He came into my life only ten months after his big sister, and I was scared of how that would work out.  I shouldn't have been, as Michael has helped to make everyday of my life all the more joyous and breathtaking.  So today I say thanks, for a fantabulous 10 year old Michael B.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 2

Well, day two and so far so good!  LOL

Today, I am thankful for my beautiful 11 year old daughter, Leelah Jo.  The first born, and the only girl, she changed my 17 year old life forever.  She is the most caring, loving and selfless child I know.  Though, I'm not really sure I can call her a child anymore.  She always thinks of others first, and gives whenever she can.  I am proud of the young woman she is becoming, and on pins and needles to see what amazing things she will accomplish in her life.  So, today I am thankful that 11 years ago that beautiful, squalling baby girl came into my world and changed my life forever.  I am thankful, Miss Moo, for all that you are.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Month of Thanks!

So in honor of Thanksgiving, November is a month for giving Thanks.  I'd like to say that I will post every day something that I am thankful for, but let's amend that to say I will try to post every day about something I am thankful for and see how far that gets us!  LOL

So, today, as many of you have already seen, I am thankful for my husband Alex.  In reality, I am thankful for Alex ever day, but why not start out my Month of Thanks with something I know I am so lucky to have.  Alex is my best friend, and the most amazing man I know, hands down.  He's the world's greatest Daddy, and the best hubby a girl could ask for.  Yes, we argue, and no, we don't agree on everything.  But he is my world, and I am thankful for him today, and everyday.