Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Month of Thanks, A Summary of Thanks

So, I pretty much fell off the Month of Thanks wagon there towards the end, but mostly it was because I was enjoying all of the things that I have to be thankful for.  If I have taken nothing else from this Month of Thanks business, I have at least come to the realization that I am one lucky girl.  I have a LOT to be thankful for.  Really.  I have a super handsome, amazing, loving husband whom I totally don't deserve but am so grateful for, 4 beautiful, healthy, happy kids to adore, a family that is so my rock in a storm, and a life to envy.  Even in the hard times. No, it's not perfect by any means, and I will be the first to admit that, but man is it good!  Maybe we should integrate a bit more thankfulness into our every day lives, even if just quietly and to ourselves.  Maybe instead of one running month a year of thankfulness, we should take one small moment every morning and be grateful for something in our lives.  I can only imagine how much more pleasant every day life would be if everyone took a moment to be thankful every day.

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