Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 8

I've lived a lot of life in my 29 years, and some days, I feel like I should be much older.  In reality I feel much younger.  Closer to 17 than anything, really.  I guess that could be a result of a lot of things that have happened in my life, but the fact of the matter is this: Today, I am thankful for me.  Now, I  don't want that to sound narcissistic, or selfish, because that is certainly not what I intend.  I am simply saying that I am thankful for all the things that have happened in my life, for all the choices that I have made, good and bad, that have brought me to who I am at this moment in time.  I am thankful for the things I have learned, even if that means I had to learn them the hard way.  I am thankful for the people who have come into and gone out of my life, forever changing some aspect of myself.  I know without a doubt that I'm not anywhere in the vicinity of perfection.  Hell, most of the time I have a hard time feeling comfortable in my own skin.  But I am thankful, every day to be me. 

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